Ukrainian Christian Pentecostal Church
Українська Християнська П'ятидесятницька Церква

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Why do we give?
In 2 Corinthians 9, we are taught to give joyfully to God. The reality is that the subject of giving can be a sensitive one for many people and talking about giving—even in the church—isn’t always warmly received. But since the Bible has more to say about money than about any other subject, we need take this topic seriously.
What the Bible teaches about money and giving needs to make a dramatic impact on the life of a Christ-follower. As we reflect on the generosity of God and the extent of God’s generosity in giving His only Son to die in our place and pay the penalty for our sins, we realize that our own giving pales in comparison to God’s gift of love expressed through Christ’s sacrifice.
Matthew 6:21 speaks volumes when it says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Generosity isn’t a money thing nearly so much as it is a heart thing.
God’s goal is the transformation of our hearts, and the first step in that process is our simple and joyful obedience. At its core, biblical giving is an act of willing—even enthusiastic—obedience.
You might want to take a mental journey and read some of the Scripture passages that talk about money and generosity, starting with Matthew 6:19-34. Be honest with God, and let His Word speak into your heart and mind.
Seeing our generosity as a heart condition—not a dollar amount—is an important first step in getting money right. Let’s ask God for hearts that are overwhelmed by gratefulness to Him for all He has done for us.
We pray that we would not allow our giving to be influenced by the world’s view of money and wealth, but that our hearts will be overwhelmed, and our giving transformed into unrestrained worship
Where does my money go?
Managing the Kingdom investments of thousands of people is a responsibility we don’t take lightly. We strive to meet the highest standards of integrity, accountability, and transparency as we steward the financial resources entrusted to us, and the reason we hold a laser-like focus on the mission God has called us to as a church.
Making a direct connection between our mission as a church and how we use our money is standard practice at Ukrainian Christian Pentecostal Church. Why? Because without that clarity, we may fund a lot of good things but could miss out on some of the best things.
Following a mission-focused plan means that our commitment to reaching the world has a dramatic impact on where the dollars given to our church are directed. What that means to us in financial terms is that even though we enjoy a sizable campus as a launching pad for all God has called us to do, we do not spend the majority of our funds on our facility at the expense of our Great Commission mandate.
Bringing the Good News of God’s grace to those near and far is at the heart of what we do as a church—a reality that is reflected in how we spend the resources God, through the generosity of His people, entrusts to us. This Includes facility and operations expenses primarily related to worship services. Facility expenses primarily focused on growing and equipping children, students, and adults within our church family to live Gospel-centered, mission-focused lives. Providing support to our missionaries and domestic and global ministry partners as we intentionally and strategically provide needed resources for those who are taking the Gospel to our world.
How can I give?
Besides giving online, there are a variety of ways to give to God's work at Ukrainian Christian Pentecostal Church:
Cash or check